access.cpl - Accessibility Controls
accwiz - Accessibility Wizard
appwiz.cpl - Add/Remove Programs
ciadv.msc - Indexing Service
control admintools - Administrative Tools
cleanmgr - Disk Cleanup Utility
control color - Display Properties
compmgmt.msc - Computer Management Console
control folders - Folder Options
cliconfg - SQL Client Configuration
certmgr.msc - Certificate Manager
charmap - Character Map
chkdsk - Check Disk Utility
clipbrd - Clipboard Viewer
calc - Opens calculator
cmd - Opens command prompt
devmgmt.msc - Device Manager
dfrg.msc - Disk Defragmenter
diskmgmt.msc - Disk Management
dcomcnfg - Component Services
ddeshare - DDE Shares
diskpart - Disk Partition Manager
desk.cpl - Display Properties
drwtsn32 - Dr. Watson
directx.cpl - Direct X Control Panel
dxdiag - Direct X Troubleshooter
eudcedit - Private Character Editor
eventvwr.msc - Event Viewer ( Maintaining System Logs )
explorer - Opens My Documents
freecell - FreeCell Game
fsquirt - Bluetooth Transfer Wizard
fsmgmt.msc - Shared Folders
gpedit.msc - Group Policy Editor
hdwwiz.cpl - Add Hardware Wizard
iexpress - Iexpress Wizard (Package creator)
iexplore - Internet Explorer
inetcpl.cpl - Internet Explorer Properties
ipconfig - Windows IP Configuration
intl.cpl - Regional Settings
joy.cpl - Game Controllers
lusrmgr.msc - Local Users and Groups
logoff - Logs out current user
magnify - Open Magnifier
makecab - Cabinet Maker, file compressor.
msconfig - Open System Configuration Utility
mshearts - Opens Hearts game
msinfo32 - System Information
mspaint - Opens Mspaint
msmsgs - Windows Messenger
mstsc - Remote Desktop
mmsys.cpl - Sounds and Audio
mqbkup - Message Queue Backup\Restore Utility
notepad - Opens a New Notepad
ntmsmgr.msc - Removable Storage
ntmsoprq.msc - Removable Storage Operator Requests
ncpa.cpl - Network Connections
netsetup.cpl - Network Setup Wizard
openfiles - Used to view Files Opened Remotely via local share points
odbccp32.cpl - ODBC Data Source Administrator
osk - On Screen Keyboard
proxycfg - Proxy configuration
packager - Object Packager
perfmon.msc - Performance Monitor
powercfg.cpl - Power Options
pentnt - Checks for Floating point error in Intel based processors
qappsrv - Displays the available application terminal servers on the network.
qprocess - Displays information about processes
qwinsta - Display information about Terminal Sessions
rcp - Copies files to and from computer running the RCP service
recover - Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk.
relog - Used for Logging.
replace - Replaces files
rexec - Runs commands on remote hosts running the
REXEC - service
route - Manipulates network routing tables
rsh - Runs commands on remote hosts running the RSH service
rsm - Manages media resources using Removable Storage
runas - Allows a user to run specific tools and programs with different
permissions than the user’s current logon provides.
regedit - Opens Registry Editor
rsop.msc - Resultant Set of Policy
rwinsta - Reset the session
rasphone - Remote Access Phonebook
services.msc - Used for Managing all the services on the computer.
sigverif - File Signature Verification Tool
secpol.msc - Local Security Settings
shutdown - Shutdown Windows
syskey - Windows System Security Tool
sc - Communicates with the service controller and installed services.
schtasks - Replaced with at.
setver - Sets the version number that MS-DOS reports to a program
shadow - Helps in remote connection & network used to monitor
another Terminal Services session
shrpubw - Shared Folder Wizard
sndvol32 - Volume Control
sysedit - Windows.ini, system.ini, config.sys, autoexec.bat
sol - Opens up Solitaire Game
timedate.cpl - Date and Time Properties
telephon.cpl - Phone and Modem Options
telnet - Telnet Client
tftp - Transfers files to and from a remote computer
running - the TFTP service
tlntadmn - Telnet Administration. Used to start, stop, and send msg to
a terminal session connected to via telnet.
tscon - Attaches a user session to a terminal session.
tsdiscon - Disconnects a session from a terminal server.
tskill - Ends a process. Even can terminate a process running on
a remote session.
tourstart - Windows XP Tour Wizard
tsshutdn - shutdown in 60 sec
typeperf - Very useful in login events. Used to monitor Processor threads
and writes into a specified log file.
userinit - My Documents
verifier - Driver Verifier Utility
winchat - Microsoft Chat
winmine - Minesweeper Game
wuaucpl.cpl - Automatic Updates
wscui.cpl - Security Center
wmplayer - Windows Media Player
wmimgmt.msc - Windows Management Infrastructure
w32tm - Tool used to diagnose problems occurring with Windows Time.
register to run as a service and add default configuration to
the registry
winmsd - System Information.
wupdmgr - Windows Update Launches
winver - Displays Windows Version
write - Opens WordPad
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